Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thing 1- Lifelong Learning Habits

Thing 1

After reading the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners, I can confidently say that Number 7 Teach/Mentor others is my biggest strength. I have never wanted to be anything other than a teacher and a mom for as long as I can remember. I get a genuine happiness and sense of fulfillment when I have helped someone to learn. By teaching others, I not only help them to be lifelong learners, but I learn from them as well. Students think that we are only teaching them, when in actuality they are teaching us a great deal as well.  I believe that Habit 7 ½ also has a soft spot in my heart as I am a teacher candidate for grades K through 6. Playing is essential to child development and to happiness for children….it is also essential for my own happiness!

Habit 1 Begin with the end in mind is definitely my weakness. I sometimes get stressed and overwhelmed. I should begin to write down my goals and aspirations and steps to take in which to accomplish them. I find it much easier when I have a plan. I am hoping that I can use blogging to keep track of my goals, the steps I need to achieve, and the ones I have already conquered.


  1. I also love to teach and mentor others. It really is the greatest feeling of accomplishment! It is a win-win situation in which you give something but tend to get back so much more.

  2. For me, habit 1 is my strongest point. I just take things day by day. Today, I sat down and wrote out literally everything I get done for my classes by each day until next Saturday. By planning ahead and focusing on a couple things a day rather than waiting until the last minute, you won't feel so overwhelmed and will be able to juggle you time more wisely while having extracurricular time once you sit down and do homework for 30 minutes a day.

  3. Jordyn, I completely agree!

    Lacey, thank you for suggestions on how I can improve on my weakest point! You definitely have some great ideas.
