Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thing 8

Using Flickr and Flickr mash-ups have endless possibilities. In my personal life, Flickr is a way I can share photos with others and have a place to save them all. Now that I know about the mosaic, I would like to make some of my family for my home. This could also be done with students in the classroom. As I stated in my previous post, Flickr is a great way to show children of different cultures. When we show our children different cultures, we show them that although everyone is unique, we also have a lot in common. I would like to use Flickr as an art project in the classroom. I also plan to keep using Flickr and it's mash-ups to make my blog more interesting and unique. 

I love sharing photos and looking at other people's photos online. I feel that sharing photos online is excellent. However, it has to be done with permission of every child's parent in your classroom. Also, the privacy of the children is extremely important. 

This mosaic: I created this mosaic to show the different cultures of children around the world. Of course, there are more cultures, but this is just an example of something I would love to have in my classroom. 

 The photos above were found on Flickr and Mosaic Maker was used to construct the above mosaic.
 1. 2. 3. 4.

1 comment:

  1. Permission is important! :) I'm now seeing/hearing about teachers who take photos, innocently, but because they do not get express written consent from parents, there are lawsuits and liability cases about how they're targeting their children. It's important to be careful.
    I also enjoy sharing photos and looking through images. I created a mosaic out of magazine photos, but next I might try making one from my own set of photos! :)
