Tuesday, January 29, 2013

First Post!

I am eager to start this new journey into the world of using technology to enable my students to learn. I am very excited about this semester and I cannot wait to learn everything that I can soak up from the professionals around me! I am very familiar with blogging; however, I find it hard to pick daily topics in my own personal life. 

I was greatly encouraged when I found numerous teacher blogs. The possibilities are endless! I have begun to dig through these teaching blogs and have already discovered great new ideas that never would have occurred to me before. I would love to begin blogging again and to be dedicated to having a teacher blog throughout my teaching career. 

As I further my education in the Teaching Department at APSU, I realize that I am surrounded by professionals with an endless amount of experience. They are all very passionate and eager to help us become the best teachers possible. 

1 comment:

  1. It is beginning to hit me also that the teachers around us are very experienced. After all they got to their current possition somehow. Nice blog!
